Of the two classes I am taking this quarter (which is also my first quarter in this Master's program), I feel the most confident in this class. I even did a "happy dance" last night when I uploaded my webpage with links to all of the exercises and every single link worked. I was so happy!!! My husband smiled and laughed at how giddy I was, but to have everything working the first time I was all smiles. Woohoo! I feel like I am getting better at learning the different codes for creating pages (including creating a style for the page) and am able to get through my exercises a lot quicker than I did at the beginning of the quarter. It just takes time and practice especially when creating and linking other webpages to one homepage ( I'm actually looking forward to starting my final website project and hope that it turns out to be like I imagined it to.
The one thing that I am struggling with in this class is creating tables. Even though I have practiced creating tables both in class and at home for the book exercises, I don't yet feel confident in creating them. The last book exercise for the table challenge was an "AHHHHH!!!!!" moment for me. I think it was the most difficult (yes, I know it's a table challenge and it would be harder than the rest) for me because I was still struggling with the basic tables and then to have to do one that was way more complex was a little bit of a "Bah Humbug" for me. It took a long time of playing around with the coding and constant referencing to the textbook, but I managed to get it done ( I am now pondering the idea in my head of do I still want to create a table with information on my final website project, or do I create an ordered list instead.
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